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The Journal of Cerebrovascular and Endovascular Neurosurgery (JCEN) is the official journal of the Korean Society of Cerebrovascular Surgeons (KSCVS) and the Korean NeuroEndovascular Society (KoNES, is changed from SKEN in 2020). ‘Korean Journal of Cerebrovascular Surgery’ was launched in 1998 and ‘Journal of Korean Society of Intravascular Neurosurgery’ was in 2006. The joint venture between ‘Korean Journal of Cerebrovascular Surgery’ and ‘Journal of Korean Society of Intravascular Neurosurgery’ is effective as of March 2012 with all new publications following the Volume, Number, ISSN and EISSN of ‘Korean Journal of Cerebrovascular Surgery’ and abbreviated title of ‘J Cerebrovasc Endovasc Neurosurg’. This journal publishes papers dealing with clinical or experimental works on cerebrovascular disease. Accepted papers will include original work (clinical and laboratory research), case reports, technical notes, review articles, letters to the editor, and other information of interest to cerebrovascular neurosurgeon. Review articles can also be published upon specific request by the journal. Full text is freely available from: http://the-jcen.org. Quarterly publication is available in March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31 each year. Full or limited viewing of the articles in this journal is abstracted in PubMed/PubMed Central, KoreaMed, KoreaMed Synapse, KOMCI, Google Scholar, KOFST(ENEST), and EBSCO.
The Council of Science Editors defines redundant publication as “reporting (publishing or attempting to publish) substantially the same work more than once, without attribution of the original source(s)” (CBE Views 1996;19(4):76-77). Characteristics of reports that are substantially similar include (1) “at least one of the authors must be common to all reports”; (2) “the subject or study populations are often the same or similar”; (3) “the methodology is typically identical or nearly so”; and (4) “the results and their interpretation generally very little, if at all.”
Similar to other journals, the JCEN also considers as redundant or duplicate publication any work that was previously published in a language other than English, unless full disclosure was initially made by the authors and the Editor-in-Chief agreed to publish and so identified this material. A determination of redundant or duplicate publication will result in immediate rejection of the article and notification of the Editor(s) of other journals involved.
The World Association of Medical Editors defines ‘Plagiarism’ as the use of others’ published and unpublished ideas or words (or other intellectual property) without attribution or permission, and presenting them as new and original rather than derived from an existing source. When an idea or words are taken from abstracts, research grant applications, Institutional Review Board applications, or unpublished or published manuscripts in any publication format (print or electronic), this misleads the reader as to the contributions of the plagiarizer. Since plagiarism is a scientific misconduct, when plagiarism is detected at any time before publication, the JCEN Editorial Office will request the author to either cite the original source or rewrite the section. If the plagiarism is extensive (i.e. > 25% of the original submission), the editors will take appropriate action to notify both readers and the author’s employers of the infraction.
JCEN operates a double-blind peer review system, where both authors and reviewers remain anonymous. If you submit the revision of your manuscript to another Board journal, we can forward the reviews of your manuscript to the affiliated journal upon request. The JCEN editorial board will make the final decision of publication for the submitted manuscripts, and can request any further corrections, revisions, and deletions to the article text if necessary.
Strict confidentiality is imposed on all the contents of accepted manuscripts and proposed dates of the publications. Before the articles appear electronically on the JCEN website or are distributed in the printed form of the JCEN journal, the authors are prohibited from releasing this information in either print or electronic forms to the media (i.e. television, radio, magazines, newspapers, etc.).
Along with the JCEN embargo policy, the authors must abide by any external embargo policies on the contents of their manuscripts or data used in the manuscript. With the preceding conditions in mind, the authors may present and discuss manuscripts to other clinicians/ researchers. Also, do not submit to the JCEN journal if the manuscript contains any restrictions that would prohibit prompt publication upon acceptance.
For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in these instructions, International standards for editors and authors (http://publicationethics.org/international-standards-editors-and-authors) can be applied.
All manuscripts must be submitted to the official JCEN website at http://the-jcen.org.
Please click Register in the main homepage at http://the-jcen.org. Upon successful registration, an email with your username and password will be sent. Please save this information for future reference.
Please click Login in the main homepage and login to the JCEN system as an author. If your manuscript has satisfied all the requirements set forth by the JCEN, follow the directions on the webpage to submit your manuscript. You will continually be able to track the progress of your manuscript through the JCEN system at http://the-jcen.org.
If you are experiencing any problems or difficulties, please contact the JCEN Editorial Office.
The “Checklist” for copyright agreement should be downloaded from the homepage, and after signature of all authors listed on the manuscript, should be scanned with the resolution of 300 dpi to make a JPG file. It should be submitted through the JCEN system along with manuscript.
All manuscripts must be written in English.
The below items should be prepared as separate files. Each file must contain a file extension.
Manuscript for original research includes (in this following order): Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments/Disclosure, References, Tables, and Figure legends . Use these appropriate subheadings within the manuscript to help improve the organization and readability.
(1) Title page
Include only the ‘Title’ and ‘Running title’ of the manuscript in title page.
When the manuscript has accepted, we will request a complete one including the followings:
For all sources of financial and/or material support, include the following: 1) Full name(s) of the company, incorporation, organizations, etc.; 2) if applicable, grant or contract number; 3) if applicable, names of individual author(s) detailing specific financial and/or material support.
If the funding and/or material sources are from the authors’ institution(s), this information should not be described in the review process but must be provided after manuscript acceptance for publication.
Include a note stating when and where any portion of the contents of the manuscript may have been previously presented (not published) [See Example Below]
Example: Portions of this work were presented in abstract form/in poster form as 11th Japanese & Korean Friendship Conference on Surgery for Cerebral Stroke, Korean Society of Cerebrovascular Surgeons, Seoul, Korea, September 14, 2012.
(2) Abstract
An abstract, comprising a maximum of 250 words, is required for all submissions. Only the original work should be formatted with appropriate four headings: Objective (general or specific goals of the study), Methods (methods used to achieve the study goals), Results (results/findings of the study), and Conclusions (conclusions drawn from the work). Case report, technical notes, historical vignettes, and other manuscripts should not be separated into these four headings. An abstract should begin with a clear and concise statement of the paper’s purpose with subsequent details that support the authors’ conclusions. If your manuscript involves a clinical trial, please provide the registration number of the clinical trial, the name and URL of the registry at the end of the Abstract (Not to be considered in the maximum 250 word limit).
Keywords should include 3 to 6 words or phrases to assist indexing and retrieval of the submitted work. It should be based on Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) of Index Medicus : http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html.
Running head also contains no more than 6 words in English.
(3) Introduction
This section clearly states the purpose of the study, concisely discusses the rationale for the undertaking, and briefly summarizes the review of the literature. Excessive details of any pertinent background information should be reserved for the Discussion section. Limit the use of direct quotations and expressions from the review of the literature.
(4) Materials and methods
Materials and Methods section should include sufficient details of the design, objects, and methods of the article in order, as well as the data analysis strategies and control of bias in the study. The authors should identify any statistics software and statistical test used to analyze the data, and provide the prospectively determined p-value that was taken to indicate a significant difference. Statistical misconduct may lead to wrong conclusion. Therefore, when any statistical misconduct is suspected, we will request raw data, which will be reviewed by specialists for statistics.
Human Studies:
With any studies involving humans, please state the following in this section: 1) Approval of the study by the local institutional review board (IRB) and 2) Acknowledgement of obtaining informed consent. Also, please provide the registration number of the clinical trial, the name and URL of the registry. Although data or images identifying the study patients and/or volunteers are generally forbidden in the manuscript, if any identifying data or images are included in the manuscript, the authors must also submit a signed release form, permitting publication in both print and electronic version from the study patient/volunteer or person authorized to give consent.
Animal Studies:
Please refer to the Guide for the care and Use of Laboratory animals (Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, National Research Council. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1996) for detailed standards of conducting an animal research. With any studies involving animals, please state in this section that the study was performed in accordance with those standards and the study animals were humanely treated and handled in the study.
Our JCEN Editorial Board members reserve the right to judge the appropriateness of all studies on humans and animals. Please refer to Special Consideration for additional information and guidelines for patient confidentiality and manuscript submission of human and animal studies, Also be mindful that as a condition of publication in the JCEN, the authors agree to share all materials, methods, and data for future laboratory experiments and clinical trials to either reproduce or verify the study.
(5) Results
This section reports on the current study’s findings in an orderly manner following the Methods section. The concise summary of all the significant findings should not refer to or include any previous literature or investigations. The authors should describe logically their results of observations and analyses performed using methodology given in the previous section and provide actual data. For biometric measurements in which considerable amount of stochastic variation exists a statistical treatment should be used in principle. Experimental results should be described using Arabic numbers and the SI unit system. Actual p-values should be reported rather than threshold.
(6) Discussion
This section not only presents any major findings of the study but also clearly and concisely details their significance. Discussion is a reiteration of the Methods and Results sections, but offers original insights and significance about the specific findings in the study. The authors may wish to use subheadings for organization and readability.
(7) Conclusions
This section restates the major findings of the study and details any potential implications and/or applications.
(8) Acknowledgments
This section is to acknowledge those who have made contribution to the study but do not qualify for authorship [Refer to Authors and Contributors in Special Considerations for the criteria for authorship]. Lab technicians, data collectors, medical editors, and any employees from sponsoring agencies and industries are some examples used in the past. For each acknowledged person, please specify the type of contribution made.
(9) Disclosure
This section is reserved to state a potential conflict of interest (i.e. financial, professional, personal, etc.). If no conflict of interest exists or could be construed as existing, under the Disclosure section, please state the following: “The authors report no conflict of interest concerning the materials or methods used in this study or the findings specified in this paper.”
(10) References
All references should be alphabetized by the first author’s last name. Only references cited in text must appear in the reference list and marked in the form of superscript at the end of the sentences they were used in text. The domestic reference should be cited in English language. When a work has six or less authors, cite the names of all authors. When a work has over six authors, cite the first six authors’ name followed by “et al.” JCEN reference style is in accordance with the reference style of the national Library of medicine (NLM). Please refer to http://www.nlm.nih.gov/citingmedicine. Abbreviations for journal titles should be congruent with the style of Index Medicus.
When choosing references to use, consider only published and easily accessible articles. If the references are not properly formatted according to the JCEN requirements, the manuscript will be returned to the author for correction.
The JCEN verifies the completeness and accuracy of all references during the editing process. The authors are responsible for all the contents of their references, and we will contact you and request a copy of verification for all unavailable references. We also recommend a prompt response from the authors to avoid any delays in the publication process. We will remove all references without verification. Authors must include in the References section all the references cited in the text body.
Examples of references:
Coubes P, Cif L, El Fertit H, Hemm S, Vayssiere S, Picot MC, et al. Electrical stimulation of the globus pallidus internus in patients with primary generalized dystonia: long-term results. J Neurosurg. 2004 Aug;101(2):189-94.
Authored Book Jefferson G. The Invasive Adenomas of the Anterior Pituitary. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas, 1995, p. 56-60.
Article or Chapter in an Edited Book Bloodworth JMB Jr, Kovacs K, Horvath E. Light and electron microscopy of pituitary tumors, in Linfoot JA (ed). Recent Advances in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pituitary Tumors. New York: Raven Press, 1979. p. 141-59.
(11) Tables and figures legend
They should contain sufficient details as to be intelligible without reference to the main text. Each table should be printed on a separate sheet.
All tables must be in English and contain enough information to be understood without referring back to the main text. Make sure all tables are created, formatted, and edited on Microsoft Word. Each table contains a table number, title, appropriate citations of table text, correct scientific notation (if applicable) and description in the table legend (in alphabetical order) of all abbreviations and symbols used. Table footnotes should be properly indicated with superscript symbols in sequence: *, †, ‡, §, ∥, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡. All units of measurements and concentrations should be included.
For Literature Review Tables: All references should be listed in the first (left) column by first author’s last name et al. (if necessary), and the year of publication (i.e. Kim et al., 2012). Do not use numbers to cite references in the table. Make sure all references in the table are cited appropriately in the Reference section.
For all figures, the authors must provide figure legends. They should be in present tense and should not repeat information found within the text. All figure legends consist of the following : 1) Type of Figure (i.e. magnetic resonance (MR) image, Northern blot, photomicrograph, or bar graph); 2) Key Features/Findings. Please make sure to include the definitions of all abbreviations and/or labels. For all photomicrographs, clearly state the staining technique used and the original magnification (e.g. Masson trichrome, original magnification X 200). For all electron micrographs, include a bar with a legend indicating the distance that bar represents (e.g. Bar = 5 μm) or a statement specifying the original magnification. Place the figure legends at the end of the manuscript following the Reference section.
(12) Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)
“ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers.” ORCID gives to you a persistent digital identifier which distinguishes from other researchers. Your work is recognized through integration in key research workflows. And application programming interfaces (APIs) which support system-to-system communication and authentication make automatically linked with your manuscripts. You can easily get ORCID ID. http://www.orcid.org. If you want more information about ORCID, please visit as below. http://orcid.org/about.
The case reports, presenting on 5 cases or fewer, are organized in the following order: Title page (the first page), Abstract, Introduction, Description of Cases, Discussion, Conclusions, References, Tables, and Figures or Illustrations. If necessary, subheadings for the Case Report(s) section (i.e. History, Examination, Operation, Pathological Findings, and Postoperative Course) can be used. Apply all aforementioned submission and formatting requirements in preparation for submission.
There is no word limit for these types of articles. If appropriate, Abstract, Introduction, and Methods sections should be included along with any additional sections. All aforementioned submission and formatting requirements apply.
We strongly encourage the authors to provide publication-quality, high-resolution images to ensure the highest-quality reproduction of the figures in the JCEN. However, we are not responsible for the quality of images in print if the submitted figures do not satisfy the JCEN’ recommendation/ requirements. If you have questions, please consult a graphics specialist.
Photographs should be submitted individually (Namely, if Figure 1 is divided into A, B, C and D, do not combine them into one, but submit each of them separately). If the quality of the photographs is considered as inappropriate for printing, resubmission of them can be requested by the journal. Authors should submit figures in black and white if they want them to be printed in black and white. Authors are responsible for any additional costs of producing color figures. The description of each figure should be stated separately and attached to the end of the article text.
Submitted as a separate file, each figure must be saved with an appropriate figure number as the file name (i.e. Fig. 1A.jpg). If the figure contains more than one part, authors should combine them in the correct orientation, and for all figures containing more than 2 parts, please designate appropriate letters to figure parts.
The JCEN requires the RGB color mode for all color files.
The authors are responsible for all spelling error in the figures. Please check all figures for spelling errors before submission. If we detect a spelling error that cannot be corrected, we will return the figure to the authors for correction. We recommend a prompt response from the authors to avoid any delays in the publication process.
The JCEN requires omission of all identity revealing information in photographs of all study participants (patients or healthy volunteers). For all submissions with photographs leading to identification of the participants, the authors must obtain the patient consent form. If the participant is younger than 20 years of age, infirm, or dead, an authorized guardian must sign the form. See Studies Involving Humans in Special Considerations for more information. We request that the authors either fax or email the signed consent forms to the Editorial Office, or upload with the submission files.
For submission with electron micrographs, please provide measurement bars indicating the original magnification and with photomicrographs, please include a legend stating the original magnification and the type of staining method used.
The authors must submit ‘Registration and Copyright Assignment Agreement Form’ (Download at http://the-jcen.org) and ‘ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest’ (Download at http://www.icmje.org/coi_disclosure.pdf). The authors can upload these completed and signed forms during submission. For all missing documentations, the authors will be contacted by the JCEN Editorial Board. Therefore, it is important for the corresponding author to verify his/her email, as well as the contact information of all of the coauthors. If an author is deceased prior to publication of the manuscript, we require that next of kin complete and sign ‘Registration and Copyright Assignment Agreement Form’ and ‘ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest’ on behalf of the deceased author.
After the manuscript has been accepted for publication, the corresponding author must be available to respond to questions that may arise during editing and composition. Therefore, it is important for the corresponding author to confirm his/her email address before submission and to check emails regularly. If there are changes to in your email address or phone and fax numbers, notify the Editorial Office promptly.
The JCEN will send page proofs in a PDF file to authors for review and correction. Please note that corrections or approval of the proofs must be returned by email within 72 hours of receipt because we cannot guarantee the inclusion of the corrections past the 72-hour deadline. Since the JCEN policy is that all submitted manuscript is edited to comply with JCEN style, stylistic changes cannot be made at this time. Moreover, we may require an additional review, delaying publication of manuscript if the author wishes to make last-minute rewrites or substantial alterations to the Results and Conclusions sections.
The reprint order form is available on the JCEN homepage. Authors will have access to this form when we send an email notification for accessing their page proofs. Please note that the JCEN Editorial Office does not accept reprint orders; all inquiries regarding reprints should be directed to Jeong Yu Kim at CDMTheBig (Tel: 82-2-857-1573; E-mail: jykim76@cdmthebig.com).
We have implemented an Article-Processing Charge (APC) for all accepted papers from March 1, 2024. The APC is utilized to cover the costs associated with editorial processing, peer review, online hosting, archiving, and other services. This supports the maximum visibility and impact of your research.
The current APC for JCEN is $200 per manuscript. This amount is communicated to all authors at the time of submission, and the charge is invoiced after the acceptance of the manuscript for publication.
#Payment Methods
The APC should be paid within 30 days after the manuscript's acceptance for publication. Various payment options are available, including bank transfer and credit card payments. Please refer to the detailed payment methods and procedures provided below.
Publication Fee:
USD 200 (credit card payments)
KRW 200,000 (bank transfer)
The JCEN does not charge for black and white figures in the print version of the paper or for inclusion of color figures in the online version.
However, for all authors regardless of membership, color printing fee is US$25.00 for the first and second page and US$20.00 for each additional page. If the author wishes to include color figures in the print version of the paper, please contact Jeong Yu Kim at CDMTheBig (Tel: 82-2-857-1573; E-mail: jykim76@cdmthebig.com).
Members of societies affiliated with JCEN may be eligible for a discount on their publishing fees. Additionally, the invited authors may have their Article Processing Charges (APCs) waived. For authors from low-income countries, waivers or discounts may be granted on a case-by-case basis. If you wish to apply for these discounts, you should submit your application along with the article submission. The Managing Editor will evaluate your application based on the quality of the research article and your financial situation.
(1) Authorship
Please obtain completed and signed copy of the Copyright Assignment forms for all listed authors to acknowledge their contributions to the paper.
For all the manuscripts under peer review or during manuscript production, all authors must approve in writing to add or remove an author’s name and to change the listed order of the authors. The manuscript should also note any authors deceased at the time of submission, and the corresponding author is responsible for obtaining a completed Copyright Assignment and Conflict of Interest forms from the person who inherited copyright on the decreased author’s behalf. Please refrain from excessive authorship.
Addition or removal of an author’s name during peer review or manuscript production must be approved in writing by all authors. Any change in the order of authors listed should also be approved in this manner. If an author is deceased at the time of submission, this should be noted and the person who inherited copyright (usually the author’s next of kin) should complete the Copyright Assignment and Conflict of Interest forms on the deceased author’s behalf. Excessive authorship is not viewed favorably by the Editor-in-Chief or the Editorial Board members.
(2) Group authorship
If the submitted manuscript is a large-sized study (e.g. multisite or multinational clinical trials) with numerous researchers and clinicians, each group should designate one or two investigators who will be responsible for the contents of the manuscript to partake in writing the manuscript. All authors selected from a group should meet the three criteria for authorship and sign the Copyright assessment form. If the listed author represents a study group, the submitted manuscript should include the phrase “on behalf of the [name of the study group]” next to the author’s name. Please include in the Appendix section all researchers and clinicians involved in the study under appropriate the affiliated group.
(3) Authors of manuscripts on clinical trials
Please include all pertinent data and information related to the clinical trials in the manuscript.
If any of the authors in the submitted manuscript is sponsored by manufacturers of either drugs or surgical devices, please include the submission letter stating total access to all data and data analysis was given and no influence or bias from this sponsorship occurred.
(4) Corresponding author
The corresponding author is responsible for representing all authors listed in the manuscript, for the integrity of the study and submitted manuscript, and future correspondences with JCEN Editor-in-Chief and Editors. It is critical that during the peer-review process, the corresponding author communicates any suggested revisions by JCEN to all authors of the study. Once the manuscript is accepted and is in the editing and revision process, JCEN will chiefly contact the corresponding author for all inquiries and approval. JCEN Editorial Office communicates via email so please make sure the most accurate and updated email address of the corresponding author is given at the time of submission.
(5) Other contributors
For all contributors that do not meet the three criteria for authorship should be mentioned in the Acknowledgments section. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining and keeping all written permissions from contributors in the Acknowledgments section.
JCEN allows authors to submit studies that have been published in a brief abstract or presented at a scientific meeting or in a webcast. However, we strongly encourage submission of work that has not been previously published in whole or in part. Please avoid submission of work that is built upon work done in a previous project or is a duplicate publication (publication of material that substantially overlaps material already published in print or electronically). If any part of the manuscript is a duplicate publication, the authors must notify the JCEN Editor-in-Chief at the time of submission and upload a copy of the previous work at the time of submission or at the request of the reviewers.
All paraphrases and quotes (less than 200 words) from other studies must be referenced in the Reference section of the paper. If the authors wish to include a long quote (more than 200 words), please obtain permission from the copyright owner. In any cases, please avoid copyright infringement.
For all suspected or alleged scientific misconduct, JCEN reserves the right to forward that manuscript to an appropriate authority (such as the authors’ institution[s] or the study’s funding agency[ies]) for investigation. If scientific misconduct is proven, JCEN reserves the right to retract the published article.
Authors must agree to share the methods and materials necessary to reproduce laboratory experiments and clinical trials, to verify and build on the findings of the studies, to use in academic and noncommercial research as a condition of publication.
(1) Methods
This section includes sufficient details of the methods used in the study for repetition by qualified investigators. While it is appropriate to refer to previous works with similar materials and methods, this section should include enough information for the reader to understand methods used to achieve the study goals without referring to other authors’ works.
For methods that have been previously published in another article or book, please cite that publication along with a brief description of the methods provided in the manuscript. This brief description should contain enough information for the reader to understand the methods used. For extra information that would beneficial for replication of this study should be made available for use by other researchers via an accessible database, personal/professional website, email, or other means.
(2) Materials
For academic and noncommercial research purposes, the authors are expected to freely share materials generated in their laboratories, such as cell lines, reagents, and other items that are not readily available. For all materials, the authors are expected to identify the source/provider of the materials.
(3) Data
For academic and noncommercial research purposes, the authors must make their data (i.e. high-resolution structural data and nucleotide sequences) available insofar as possible.
For all clinical trials and studies involving microarrays, registration is required. The registry name and number must be specified in the manuscript and in the appropriate place in the manuscript submission site. See Studies Involving Humans for additional information.
All submitted manuscripts to JCEN involving patients or healthy volunteers must adhere to the principles set forth in the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki (http://www.wma.net/en/30publications/10policies/b3/index.html). Please include in the Methods section that the protocol followed adheres to these principles.
(1) IRB approval
Please include in the Methods section a statement showing that the relevant institutional review board (IRB) or ethics committee approved the study protocol. At the time of submission, the human subjects’ assurance number or equivalent identifier is required.
(2) Informed consent
Please include in the Methods section a statement showing that informed consent was obtained from the study participant (patient or healthy volunteer) or, in the case of an underage (younger than 20 years of age) or incapacitated participant, from the person authorized to give consent (i.e. the legal guardian or next of kin).
(3) Clinical trials
In accordance with ICMJE, all interventional clinical trials (A prospective study involving at least 1 treatment group and 1 comparison group receiving another treatment or no treatment) should be registered. Please include the registration number of the clinical trial and the name and URL of the registry in the Methods section of the manuscript and at the end of the Abstract. JCEN cannot accept manuscripts for review for unregistered clinical trials before patient enrollment. Please refer to the World Health Organization (http://www.icmje.org/update_May05.html#table1) to provide the minimal registration data set. All specific sources of funding for the clinical trial should be clearly stated in their manuscripts. For report on randomized trial results, please refer to the Revised CONSORT Statement and follow the design of the CONSORT flow chart and the checklist of items to include (http://www.consort-statement.org/consort-statement/).
The use of personal information in JCEN journals must be comply with the Personal Information Protection Act, available online at www.law.go.kr
(1) Names and identifiers
All patients and healthy volunteers must remain anonymous (See ‘Exceptions’). Any names, initials, dates of birth, resident registration numbers, or other coding numbers revealing the reader to patients’ or healthy volunteers’ identity should not be included in the manuscript’s text, figures, and tables and in any supplementary materials. The JCEN requires specific dates of hospital stay to be excluded, but allows month and year showing the time course of a disease or treatment.
(2) Photographs, imaging studies
All photograph or imaging data revealing the identity of all study participants (patients or healthy volunteers) must be excluded. For preserving patient confidentiality, it is not sufficient to use photographs that only mask out their eyes. The general rule of thumb is that the study participants viewing photographs for submission should not be able to readily identify themselves. All patient/volunteer names, identifying numbers, and dates of imaging studies must be excluded.
(3) Pedigrees
When submitting pedigrees to the JCEN, the authors are required to conceal the identity of the patients and their family members. Preserving the scientific integrity of the report, the authors may report less specific data for protection of patient confidentiality. Please state omission of identifiable information for patient confidentiality in the manuscript.
(4) Exceptions - use of identifiers
For all manuscripts containing recognizable images or other identifiable data, the JCEN require the authors to obtain a written approval of publication (in print and electronic forms) of identifiable information from the study participant or, in the case of participants younger than 20 years of age or incapacitated/ deceased, the authors may obtain the written approval of publication from the legal guardian or next of kin, respectively.
The JCEN requires all studies involving animals follow the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, National Research Council. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1996 (http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=5140) and adhere to the Animal Protection Act, Clinical Trial Animals Act, Enforcement Decree of Clinical Trial Animals Act, Enforcement Rule of Clinical Trial Animals Act, and other federal, state/province, and local laws and regulations. In the Methods section of the manuscript, please provide the number of animals were used, brief description of their living conditions (i.e. housing, food and treatment protocol), type and amount of sedation- or anesthesia-inducing agent used, and if applicable, the sacrifice protocol. The JCEN expects all animal studies receive the approval of the local institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) or equivalent for IACUC approval number or equivalent must be entered during the JCEN manuscript submission.
(1) Studies involving microarrays
Please adhere to MIAME (minimum information about microarray experiment) standards (http://www.mged.org/Workgroups/MIAME/miame.html) for conducting microarray studies. Please ensure that the accession numbers and repository names are included in the manuscript.
(2) Studies involving high-resolution structural data and nucleotide sequences
The authors are expected to use accessible databases (i.e. the Protein Data Bank (http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/home/home.do), database members of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (GenBank, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory [EMBL], and the DNA DataBank of Japan [DDBJ]; http://www.insdc.org/) to design and conduct studies involving high-resolution structural Data and nucleotide sequences. Please ensure that the accession numbers and repository names are included in the manuscript.
(3) Studies involving embryonic human stem cells
The JCEN also accepts studies involving embryonic human stem cells for publication if the conducted studies satisfy the applicable national, state/province, and local laws and regulations. Please provide a statement in the Methods section of the manuscript expressing adherence to such laws and regulations.
(4) Studies involving recombinant DNA
Please refer to the Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules issued from the US National Institutes of Health (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-02-052.html). The authors also should ensure that all local laws and regulations are met. In the Methods section of the manuscript, statements, showing that the study protocols satisfy these principles and regulations are required.
(5) Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Please review the PRISMA Statement (http://www.prismastatement.org/statement.htm) before submission.
For all articles published in print in the JCEN journals and online at http://the-jcen.org, the JCEN and Editors are not held responsible for the views and opinions expressed by the individual authors. All advertisements in the publication are not for endorsement of products. Once the authors submit manuscript to the JCEN for review, they are consenting to the JCEN’ rights to check for plagiarism and upon any detected infractions, to take appropriate actions at our discretion.
Journal of
Cerebrovascular and
Print ISSN: 2234-8565
Online ISSN: 2287-3139
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